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Re: A Netscape bug?

On Tue, 7 May 1996, Benjamin Tomhave wrote:

> I've made an effort to install Win32s 1.30c on all our machines that won't
> be hurt by it more than helped.  This includes all our pentiums which are
> running a minimum of 8MB RAM.  We are standardized with Windows for
> Workgroups 3.11 on all our PCs.  When the beta versions of Netscape 2
> started coming out, I started seeing a weird "thing."  At first, it was
> only on one computer.  Every time you open Netscape, a message window
> opens with Netscape as the title, a yellow circle with an exclamation
> point on the left, and an OK button in the middle.  No text.  No
> explanation.  Just a message window.  You click on OK, and then Netscape
> starts.  I reinstalled Netscape.  Then I reinstalled Win32s.  Then I

Are you trying to load the 32-bit Netscape (n32e201.exe)?  If you are
then try loading the 16-bit version.  The 32-bit Netscape will NOT work
with Win3 and Win32s, regardless of what Netscape says.  I have tried to
do this on several system and never got it to work correctly.

The 32-bit Netscape runs under NT and Win95 only.  Netscape compiles
the 32-bit version under NT and is using API calls that are in NT and
95 but not in Win32s.  Win95 is only supposed to be an "interim"
solution allowing Win3 folks to "advance forward" until they can upgrade
to a real 32-bit solution.  [editorial comments on M$ deleted]

> If anybody has any hints, ideas, or has experienced the same problem, I'd
> love to know about it.  The more cases of this problem, the more likely
> Netscape Corp. will listen.

Listen?  Ha!  They're turning into a modern day Micro$haft!

scott barman
scott barman                  DISCLAIMER: I speak to anyone who will listen,
scott@disclosure.com                      and I speak only for myself.
"... [witness for the defense Dan] Olsen [of BYU] testified that, because the
 government was involved in the initial development of the Internet, he
 believes that the government has a role in determining appropriate technical
 standards for content labeling." (Dr. Olsen must not have read "1984" -sb)
      - quoted from Citizens Internet Empowerment Coalition Trial Update No. 9
        Re: ACLU, et. al. v. Reno on the constitutionality of the CDA
